13 words and phrases you only hear in Manchester

Mancunian – a dialect perfectly crafted for delivering cutting insults and witty comebacks, (mostly) used affectionally by the sons and daughters of Manchester.

1. Our kid

Not to be confused with your child, this means your brother or sister in Manchester. Occasionally a close friend, but usually a sibling. Pronounce it ‘are kid’.

Use it in a sentence: “All right, our kid"


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Bottom of For2. Mither

A verb meaning to make a fuss or moan about something. Also used in place of ‘bother’.

Use it in a sentence: “Nah, leave it mate, can’t be mithered today.”


3. Skriking

A rather onomatopoeic word Mancunians use meaning crying or screaming. From Old Norse, apparently.

Use it in a sentence: “Will you quit skriking like a baby, I’ll get you another pint!


4. Mint

An aromatic herb, a sweet with a hole, or the flavour of your toothpaste, perhaps? Wrong. In Manchester, mint means something that is or was enjoyable.

Use it in a sentence: “That burger was proper mint.”


5. Mad fer it

Used to describe something that you like a lot. Non-Mancunians might be eager for a night on the town, but mancunians are typically “mad fer it”.

Use it in a sentence: “You buzzing for tonight? Yeah, mate, I’m mad fer it.”

6. Make us a brew

That’s not a group of people asking you to perhaps prepare some ale or beer. That’s one person (because ‘us’ means ‘me’ around these parts) asking you to make them a cup of tea.

Use it in a sentence: “Make us a brew will you, our kid?”


7. Tea

‘Tea’ refers to an evening meal in Manchester. Not to be confused with dinner.

Use it in a sentence: “What time is tea tonight?”


8. Dinner

Not the meal you eat in the evening. In Manchester, ‘dinner’ refers to lunch.

Use it in a sentence: “What’s for dinner mam?”


9. Do one

A term that encourages someone to go away or leave you alone.

Use it in a sentence: “Do one, you little sh*t!”


10. Angin' (hanging)

In Manchester, angin’ means disgusting. Often accompanied by a disgusted look on the speaker’s face.

Use it in a sentence: “Oh man, that kebab last night was ‘angin!”


11. Ginnel

The walkway that runs between houses connecting streets together. You probably say ‘alley’ if you’re not from Manchester.

Use it in a sentence: “I’ll meet you at the ginnel after ah’ve had me dinner”


12. Mi stomach thinks mi throat’s been cut

A Mancunian’s way of saying they’re extremely hungry.

Use it in a sentence: “I’m that hungry, mi stomach thinks mi throat’s been cut!”


13. Cadge a lift

To obtain a ride in someone’s car by begging or freeloading.

Use it in a sentence: “Are you going to cadge a lift off your mate?”


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